Quotes by Johnny Rotten
“It's a repressive society where you can't be horrible, I'm not horrible, they made me horrible, I'm just honest.”
“[on being attacked in a parking lot] "While I was being pounded to pieces, I was just thinking, 'Hell...oh, this is just so absurd.' You have to laugh because it's so...where do they come from?"”
“It's no good being nice and young and naive. There's no good in that at all. You've got to do it all yourself, and you've gotta learn quick. And you can't look for sympathy either.”
“Every time I see Bono in those big fly glasses and tight leather pants I just can't hack it. I can't see that as solving the world's problems. He's crushing his testicles in tight trousers for world peace.”(that one was really funny!)
